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Vascular Aging & Role in Cognitive and Physical Function

Lydia Bazzano, MD, PhD, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Lab Description

As a clinician-investigator trained in epidemiology and internal medicine, Dr. Lydia Bazzano has expertise in a broad range of clinical research with a focus on cardiovascular disease and its risk factors, with an emphasis on the role of cardio-metabolic factors, including diet, obesity, lipids and glucose, in the development of vascular disease and its consequences over the life course. SSince 2010, Dr. Bazzano has been working with the Bogalusa Heart Study and currently serves as chair of the Bogalusa Heart Study Program Steering Committee, Medical Director of the Bogalusa Heart Study, and Principal Investigator of NIH/NIA R01AG041200 investigating the role of vascular aging in cognitive and physical performance in the Bogalusa Heart Study cohort.  

Additional Study

Lifespan Cardiovascular Exposures and Risk of Brain Injury in the Bogalusa Heart Study


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